So we got some cool, but short Q&A footage from Portland. Bruce is at the top of this game. Yesterday we reported that some fans were having problems at Bruce book signings. Well, lets get the facts out there. I want to thank Brandon and Nicole who e-mailed me and the others who left comments on the blog. So pretty much what I and many others have to say is,
"It's a book signing". It is called a booksigning for a reason, so if you didn't have a book, your not really there to get your book signed. I'm sure if you saw Bruce at a convention or even on the street, he would stop and pose for a picture with his fans and maybe some small chit chat. If 400 people all wanted a picture with Bruce, and if it took about 1 minute for the camera to get ready and for Bruce to pose for a picture, thats an extra 400 minutes that Bruce would be stuck at the signing. Thats 6 hours. Now obviously its not that extreme, but far from being exaggerated. Bruce takes out a huge chunk of his time to meet with fans and posing for pictures would add tons more time to his already busy workload. Bruce is driving himself across the country and Portland was his last stop of the tour. But I think the next video will show Bruce fans how good natured he is. The first video which can be viewed
here, is from the Portland Q&A session a few days ago, and a fan asks Bruce "What aspired you to become the greatest actor of all time", Bruce's response is just classic so I won't ruin the video for you. The second video which can be viewed
here, is also from the same Portland Q&A and Bruce goes over some questions for some fans. So, just the first video alone should put an end to the doubts about Bruce's recent persona with his fans.
What Bruce said about Greeks in that video???My english are not so good....so if anyone can explain to me i'd be really thankfull...
thanks in advance
What Bruce said about Greeks in that video???My english are not so good....so if anyone can explain to me i'd be really thankfull...
thanks in advance
Bruce was hilarious that night! My friends and I had a great time. We got our books signed and he was very nice and friendly. And as for those couple of disgruntled people mentioned in the previous report - they sound like a couple of selfish, entitled brats who need to be brought down a notch or two. Mr. Campbell spends inordinate amounts of time driving around the country, trying to promote his book and give the fans a little of what they want, and that's the thanks he gets? Give me a break. How many actors do stuff like that? Um, how about NONE. Except Bruce Campbell. I call that generous to a fault.
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